An interactive way to exchange views

Blog commenting is basically an interactive means of exchanging views, perspectives and feelings. It is the simplest way to make your blog collaborative and is the source of driving traffic and getting backlinks to your website. When it comes to blog comments SEO, it is imperative to attract a large number of visitors to your website.

If you find that your website is not getting enough visitors, it may be because your website is not being influenced by search engines as it should be. Blog comments backlinks play a great role in giving your website the attention and traffic it deserves.


You will notice that people who commenton your blog leave a backlink; it suggests that backlinking is the ultimate mode to catch traffic. Moreover, this can help you in building a solid relationship with the users of your website. It is a gradual process but once it’s done, you will be surprised to see how you interact more efficiently with the site administrators or bloggers, etc.

Basic Packages

Our Basic Packages are divided into small, medium, large and extra-large. These packages charge $20, $40, $60 and $140 respectively. They allow 21 to135 blog comment links and 1 to unlimited URLs and keywords. They are high TF CF DA PA Guaranteed, have manual DoFollow backlinks and low OBL links. Our company offers these cheap services and let users make the mostout of our blog commenting services.

$ 20 USD /One Time Fee
  • 21 Blog Comment Links
  • High TF CF DA PA Guaranteed
  • Manual Do Follow Backlinks
  • Low OBL Links
  • Allow 1 URL & 5 Keywords
$ 42 USD /One Time Fee
  • 42 Blog Comment Links
  • High TF CF DA PA Guaranteed
  • Manual Do Follow Backlinks
  • Low OBL Links
  • Allow 1 URL & 5 Keywords
$ 60 USD /One Time Fee
  • 62 Blog Comment Links
  • High TF CF DA PA Guaranteed
  • Manual Do Follow Backlinks
  • Low OBL Links
  • Allow 2 URL & 10 Keywords
$ 140 USD /One Time Fee
  • 135 Blog Comment Links
  • High TF CF DA PA Guaranteed
  • Manual Do Follow Backlinks
  • Low OBL Links
  • Allow Unlimited URL & Keywords

Feedback by Readers

Blogs usually have a forum that allows readers to comment on. This can easily let you get feedback from your readers, making it easy for you to understand what you should be writing. The right feedback will help you optimize your website to get the best results when it comes to traffic.

Money Making

Moreover, thanks to online marketing, you can easily place ads on your blog, making it easy for you to earn money depending on the number of hits that you get. Hence, with the help of blog posting, a person can earn money as well.

Share Your Views

If you are an individual blogger, you can easily share your views with your readers with blog posts. There is no restriction on what you write and how much you write, so you can quickly post a blog from wherever you like and about whatever you want without any hassle.


Yes, whatever your niche might be, we can help. SEO is needed for any website, and we are here to help you with that.

This rarely happens as we are cautious with where we post your links and the comment we post. If in case, this ever happens, we will replace the removed links with new ones.

We have been in this industry for a long duration. Over the years, we have gained the knowledge and experience to provide quality comments to your post. Our blog comments done by professionals will help boost your keyword and SEO rankings.

No, we don’t use any software. Customer satisfaction is our main priority, and we understand software may not deliver effective results. Therefore, our work is entirely manual and natural.

No, we don’t use any software. Customer satisfaction is our main priority, and we understand software may not deliver effective results. Therefore, our work is entirely manual and natural.

After comments, you will receive notifications from us informing you of the progress of the work.